I. What is recognition?
The Act C of 2001 on the recognition of foreign certificates and degrees regulates the recognition of degrees obtained at foreign higher education institutions.
On the basis of Section 3 of the Act, during the recognition process the authority declares the legal force of the foreign degree equivalent to the legal force of a degree obtainable in Hungary.
The recognition of the level of the qualification and the professional qualification testified by it belongs to the sphere of competence of the Hungarian Equivalence and Information Centre (HEIC) within the Educational Authority, while the nostrification of scientific degrees is done by the Hungarian higher education institutions. The only exception is the recognition of the foreign Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science degrees under international agreements. For further information see Point II. 6.
The resolution on the recognition of the level of qualification determines which Hungarian qualification is equivalent to the foreign degree, thus, whether the foreign degree is equivalent to a Hungarian university, or college degree, or to a degree obtainable at postgraduate training following a college or university degree.
The resolution on the recognition of professional qualification declares the professional qualification testified by the foreign degree identical to a professional qualification testified by a Hungarian university, or college degree, or to professional qualification obtainable at postgraduate training after a college or university degree (for example: lawyer, general practitioner, civil engineer, etc.).
From 1st January 2002 it is no longer possible to recognize a professional qualification obtained abroad through the nostrification process by a Hungarian higher education institution. If you need the Hungarian recognition of the professional qualification testified by your degree, you need to hand in your request to HEIC.
II. What documents do not fall within the authority of HEIC?
The following documents and procedures do not fall within the authority of HEIC:
II.1. If you only wish to use your foreign certificate or degree to certify language competency, according to Government decree No. 71/1998. (IV.8.) you do not need to have the qualification recognised.
II.2. If you obtained a certificate of primary education or secondary education, or a certificate testifying vocational qualification abroad, the recognition of these is described in another information bulletin.
II.3. If you followed partial studies abroad (you did not obtain any degree or certificate), you need to turn to the Hungarian higher education institution at which you wish to continue your studies in order to have the partial studies recognized.
II.3. If you want to use your foreign degree for continuing education in Hungary, the recognition procedure falls within the authority of the institution in which you wish to continue your studies. (This recognition is only valid for further studies, thus, it does not make the qualification recognised to pursue a profession, or in respect of other laws, e.g. the decree on the equivalency of language examinations, either.)
II.4. The recognition of religious professional qualifications testified by foreign degrees belongs to the authority of those Hungarian church higher education institutions that are entitled to award equivalent Hungarian degrees. The procedure is done in two stages: first, HEIC recognizes the level of the qualification, following which can one turn to the chosen institution.
II.5. The recognition of scientific degrees issued by a foreign higher education institution falls within the authority of those Hungarian universities which are entitled to provide PhD training and award scientific degrees in the field of study, or in its identifiable branch, testified by the foreign degree. During this process the university examines whether the degree issued abroad is equivalent to a PhD or DLA degree obtainable in Hungary. The nostrification takes place in one procedure at the university chosen by the applicant, it is not a prerequisite to have the level of the qualification recognised. (Nevertheless, it is possible to request the recognition of the level testified by the foreign scientific degree from HEIC. See Point V.2. about documents required for this.)
II.6. If an international agreement orders so, the Doctoral Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decides on the nostrification of scientific degrees. The degrees of "Candidate of Science" obtained abroad may be considered here.
II.7. The recognition of medical or pharmacist specialist degrees falls within the authority of the Office of Health Authorisation and Administrative Procedures. Its address: Egészségügyi Engedélyezési és Közigazgatási Hivatal,1051 Budapest, Zrínyi u. 3. Phone: (+36-1) 235-7922, (+36-1) 235-7927. Fax: (+36-1) 269-3794. Website: www.eekh.hu.
II.8. If you have a language examination certificate obtained abroad, its nostrification belongs to the sphere of competence of the Language Examination Accreditation Centre within the Educational Authority. Its address: Oktatási Hivatal Nyelvvizsgáztatási Akkreditációs Központ, 1054 Budapest, Báthory utca 10. Tel: (+36-1) 343-6284, 222-3487, fax: (+36-1) 343-6283. Website: www.nyak.hu.
III. Who may request the recognition of his/her degree?
The recognition of a degree can be requested by anyone who certifies his/her personal particulars and Hungarian residence when handing in the application. For lack of Hungarian residence the recognition procedure cannot be started.
In the case of Hungarian citizens and immigrants personal particulars may be certified by a Hungarian identification card, passport or driving licence, others can certify personal particulars with a residence or settlement permit.
Hungarian domicile must be proved with an official certificate testifying address.
In the case of recognition for continuing education or for the inclusion of partial studies which is in the competence of the educational institutions, the certification of Hungarian domicile is not required.
If as citizen of a European Union member state [1] or another state [2] that falls under the same jurisdiction as EU member states in respect of the mutual recognition of certificates and degrees (home country) you wish to have a degree recognised which falls under the jurisdiction of the Community law, you should consult our Information Bulletin Concerning the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications in Hungary in accordance with the Legislation of the European Community.
IV. Which procedure to chose?
In order to decide this, you ought to consider the purpose for which you need to have your degree recognised, namely, what you want to use the degree for after its recognition.
According to the experiences the following purposes are the most frequent for recognition:
1. For continuing studies (e.g.: to participate in PhD training)
2. To practice a profession in Hungary, but according to the Hungarian regulations the condition for doing so is to have the foreign degree recognised.
3. Other reasons.
1. Recognition for the purpose of continuing studies is the competence of the educational institution at which you wish to continue your studies. This form of recognition does not provide any other rights but the continuation of studies.
2. If you need recognition because you want to practice your profession, you must request the recognition of both the level of qualification and the professional qualification testified by your degree from HEIC. The recognition of the level of qualification is always the prerequisite for the recognition of professional qualification.
According to the Recognition Act the recognition of a degree does not exempt from the completion of further requirements prescribed by law for the practice of a certain profession. It only certifies that the applicant possesses the professional qualification specified in the resolution on recognition.
Accordingly, in the case of certain professions the fulfilment of additional condition(s) might be necessary in order to work, for example, the membership of a chamber or the completion of an examination. That is why we suggest that the applicant should inquire about the requirements for the practice of the given profession at the ministry or chamber supervising compliance with regulations of the profession.
3. If you need to have your degree recognized for other purposes, it is enough to request the recognition of the level of qualification from HEIC.
V. Recognition of the level of qualification
V.1. General information
The recognition of the level of qualification testifies that the foreign degree is equivalent to a qualification obtainable at Hungarian higher education (college or university degree, postgraduate degree based on college or university degree).
Two types of requests may be handed in to HEIC: either you determine which level Hungarian qualification you wish to have the level of your foreign degree made equivalent to, or you assign HEIC to determine the level of the foreign qualification.
In the first case, HEIC determines whether it is possible to recognize the degree as the level of qualification indicated in your request. If there are no legal obstacles, HEIC passes decision according to the request, in reverse case, HEIC turns down the request.
In the second case, HEIC passes decision by considering all qualification levels obtainable in Hungary.
When recognising, HEIC takes into account the legal status of the foreign higher education institution, the nature of the degree, the length of studies and the study requirements. It is prescribed by law that the foreign higher education institution issuing the degree is recognised (accredited), and the degree testifies a higher education degree under the law of the foreign state.
V.2. Required documents far the recognition of the level of qualification
For the recognition of degrees acquired in basic or postgraduate training the following documents should be attached to the request:
* The attested copy of the original degree.
* The attested copy of the original registration book (certificate on the length of studies and study requirements - regulation of studies and examinations - issued by the education institutions).
* The authentic translations of the above documents. Except of documents in English, Czech, French, German, Russian, Romanian and Slovak, in the case of which typed, not authentic translations are also accepted (e.g. done by the applicant).
* In the case of degrees acquired at postgraduate education, or a degree testifying the acquisition of a second-cycle qualification obtained in a multiple-cycle higher education system (e.g. a Master's degree), the copy of the basic degree and - if needed - its authentic translation.
* The copy of the money transfer postal order certifying the posting of the fee.
* If you send your request by mail, the copy of your personal particulars and of the official certificate testifying address.
* An authorization must be handed in if an authorized person represents the applicant. In this case the copy of the applicant's personal particulars and the official certificate testifying address must also be attached.
The Hungarian National Office for Translation and Attestation Co. Ltd. (OFFI) (Budapest, 5th district, Bajza u. 52., and its branch offices), the foreign representations of the Hungarian Republic or a Hungarian authorised public notary are entitled to make authentic translations.
Only translation made from the original degree is accepted!
A Hungarian public notary, the OFFI and the foreign representations of the Hungarian Republic are entitled to make attested copies.
If the request is received without the above mentioned attachments, and if they are not supplemented later either, the procedure must be terminated.
HEIC might request the applicant to hand in further documents (e.g. previously obtained degrees, secondary school leaving certificate, etc.), or might call upon the applicant to present the original documents the copies of which were handed in.
If you request the recognition of the level of qualification and the professional qualification testified by the degree in one procedure, further 5 copies of the degree, registration book, and in the case of a degree acquired at postgraduate education, the basic degree are needed to be attached.
VI. Recognition of the professional qualification
VI.1. General information
The recognition of professional qualification certifies that the holder of the degree possesses the qualification testified by the foreign degree and the basic knowledge necessary for acquiring similar professional qualification in Hungary. During this procedure the applicant's complete professional activity is evaluated.
The conditions for recognizing professional qualification are that HEIC recognizes the level of qualification and the holder of the degree fulfils possible supplementary condition/conditions (e.g. aptitude test, additional examinations, preparing diploma thesis). If HEIC's recognition is conditional, the resolution also contains recommendation on the fulfilment of conditions (place, means, deadline).
Similarly to the recognition of the level of qualification, two types of requests may be handed in to HEIC: you either specify which Hungarian professional qualification you want to have the professional qualification testified by your degree recognised as, or you assign HEIC to determine the professional qualification.
In the first case, HEIC determines whether it is possible to recognize the qualification as the professional qualification indicated in your request. If there are no legal obstacles, HEIC passes decision according to the request, in reverse case, HEIC turns down the request.
In the second case, HEIC passes decision by considering all professional qualifications obtainable in Hungary.
HEIC brings the resolution on the recognition of the professional qualification based on the opinion of an expert committee made up of acknowledged teachers and researchers, or in some cases, representatives of professional chambers, or an invited expert.
It is not possible to recognise the professional qualification if the given professional qualification cannot be obtained at Hungarian higher education, or if the system of the Hungarian and foreign training are so different that the recognition is not possible even by fulfilling complementary conditions. In this case, the applicant can request written information about the content of the degree from HEIC. This information has no legal effect, it does not make the degree recognized, but it might help those who possess a degree that is not obtainable in Hungary receive fair treatment in the labour market.
VI.2. Required documents for the recognition of professional qualification
Besides documents indicated in Point V.2., in order to assist the decision of the expert committee, the following documents are also required:
* 5 copies of the basic degree,
* 5 copies of the translation of the basic degree,
* attested copy and authentic translation of the detailed registration book (Iist of subjects, index, net of subjects, transcript) which contains in detail the subjects, the number of theoretical/practical courses, examination results. (In certain languages non-authentic translations are also accepted. See Point V.2.),
* 5 copies of the detailed registration book,
* 5 copies of the translation of the detailed registration book,
* 6 copies of the detailed professional curriculum vitae,
* 1 copy of the portfolio in the case of architects and artists,
* in the case of general practitioners, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists, 1 attested copy and 1 authentic translation of the certificate on taking the state exams and on the defence of the diploma thesis, and 5 copies of these, or 1 original copy of the diploma thesis,
* 1 copy of the diploma thesis in the case of language teachers,
* a certificate from the Consulting Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the case of a state scholarship holders, if the degrees were issued before 1st May 1995, or the applicants started their studies before 1st May 1995 and finished them before 1st May 2000.
If the applicant does not hand in the documents mentioned above, for lack of information necessary for the procedure, HEIC terminates the case.
VII. How long does the procedure take?
HEIC passes decision within 60 days when recognising the level of qualification and within 90 days when recognising the professional qualification - if the applicant has provided all necessary documents and there is no need for additional documentation.
When calculating the deadline of the actual procedure the time period elapsing between the request for additional documents and the date when these are received does not count towards it.
The head of HEIC may extend the deadlines for the procedures once by 30 days.
During the procedure for the recognition of the professional qualification within the deadline of 90 days HEIC may pass the following decisions: 1. recognizes the professional qualification, 2. determines that the given professional qualification can be recognised but the completion of supplementary conditions is needed, 3. it rejects the application.
If HEIC prescribes the completion of supplementary conditions, it determines the deadline for their completion in its resolution. After handing in the certificate concerning the fulfilment of all requested requirements, HEIC shall pass decision and recognize the professional qualification within 30 days.
HEIC shall send the resolution by mail as a registered letter to the applicant or his/her authorized representative.
VIII. How much does the procedure cost?
The procedural fee and a possible additional fee constitute the expense of the recognition.
The fee for the recognition of the level of qualification is 16 375 HUF, the fee for the recognition of professional qualification is 49 125 HUF, while the fee for the joint procedure of recognising the level of qualification and the professional qualification is 65 500 HUF; which should be paid by money transfer postal order (yellow coloured). HEIC provides the postal order form to the applicants at the Consulting Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The fee can also be paid by money transfer to account number: 10032000-00282637-00000000, also indicating the words `MEIK'.
If HEIC prescribes the fulfilment of supplementary conditions in order to recognize the professional qualification, the fees and the method of payment is determined by the higher education institution, in which the applicant can fulfil the supplementary conditions. The sum of these fees cannot exceed a maximum of 163 750 HUF.
The fee for issuing a written information about the content of a degree issued abroad is 16 375 HUF.
IX. Legal remedy
The applicant may file an appeal against the resolution on the recognition of the level of qualification and of professional qualification to HEIC free of charge within 15 days after delivery, but addressed to the Minister of Education and Culture.
There is no legal remedy against the resolution of the Minister of Education and Culture through public administration, but the re-examination of the resolution might be requested from the Court of Budapest within 30 days after publishing the resolution.
X. What are the office hours?
Information bulletins, request forms and postal order forms can be obtained from the Consulting Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the request may also be personally handed in here. If the request is sent by mail, it should be addressed to HEIC and preferably sent as registered mail.
Office hours of the Consulting Office:
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please note that in person consultation with the colleagues of HEIC is only possible on Wednesdays at the Consulting Office.
[1] Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
[2] Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland
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