Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine - these are the most popular programs in Hungary among foreign students. Although they have to pay for the degree, tuition fees are much lower compared to Western Europe, and the low costs of living attract thousands of foreign youths to the country's major universities each year.
Several hundred foreign students decide to apply to a Hungarian university or college each year. The list of the most popular programs has been unchanged for years: the majority of young people coming from Western Europe and the Arab countries would enrol in medical, dentistry and veterinary programs, while English language programs in the humanities, pharmaceutics and the natural sciences are becoming increasingly popular.
Although the number of English language programs is still relatively low in Hungary compared to the Western European countries, according to a 2005 survey of the Academic Corporation Association (ACA) seated in Brussels, Hungary is the sixth most popular target among foreign students in Europe. There is good reason for higher education institutions to launch English, German or French language programs in increasing numbers: for example, engineers and instructors of engineering have been trained in English at the College of Dunaújváros for two years, while the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University now offers foreign language programs in five disciplines (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Geology and Physics).
The total number of foreign students studying in Medical Universities in Hungary is over 3,000 & the number of applicants is always many times the number of available places, given the widely known high standards of Medical Education in Hungary, & the fact that there are several countries where some of the former generation of physicians also spent their years of study in Hungary. Foreign language programs have been available in the Institutions of Budapest, Pécs, Szeged and Debrecen since the early or mid-1980s.
The Semmelweis University (SOTE) launched its German language program in 1983, while English language programs have been offered by the University of Pécs since 1984, and by the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen since 1986, with the number of applicants exceeding the number of places from the very beginning. Moreover, graduates with a Hungarian degree can start practising without any further examinations in member states of the EU.
Some 150-160 foreign students begin their six-year medical training at the Faculty of General Medicine of the Semmelweis University (SOTE ÁOK) each year, which means that a total number of about one thousand students - 40-42 per cent of all students - study to acquire the basic knowledge required for the profession in the Budapest campus. Most of them come from Greece, Iran, Israel, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, but students from the US also frequently apply to the Semmelweis University.
Foreign students, as in all other universities of medicine, study in the same system and attend the same theoretical and practical courses as Hungarian medical students. The only difference is that the language of instruction is English or German everywhere, in smaller groups of eight to ten students, and of course they also take their examinations in the given language. Even so, however, the Hungarian language is part of the study program.
Students applying to the English language program must take examinations in Biology, Chemistry and English - if there are a sufficient number of applicants, entrance examinations are organised in Malaysia, so they need not come to Budapest, while German speaking applicants should only submit certificates of the natural science subjects they studied, indicating the duration of their studies. However, tuition fees must be paid in both of the programs. The students reported that the fee is still lower than fees in the US or Western Europe, where tuition may cost as much as 40-50 000 dollars per semester.
- Homme d'Affaires
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