Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was founded in 1919. At present, it is one of the oldest Higher Education Establishments in Russia. It is situated in the historical and business centre of Saint-Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Saint-Petersburg is cultural, scientific and educational capital of Russia. It is the second largest Russian city after Moscow (its population is about 5 mln people).
Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy is the centre of Russian pharmaceutical education. In 2003 the Academy was declared the best Higher Education Establishment in Russia and awarded the Golden Medal of "European Quality", having become a laureate of the contest in the nomination "100 Best Universities of Russia".
Such results were reached due to the traditionally high level of scientific and teaching qualification of the Academy professors. More than 80% of them own scientific degrees.
Annually, the Academy takes out about 20 patents for the inventions, which can be called the most important world scientific achievements.
The Academy graduates are demanded all over the world, as they posses deep theoretical knowledge, which corresponds to the modern level of scientific and technical development.
Saint-Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy has a rich experience in teaching students from different countries. Since 1949, the Academy has been effectively training the specialists who have made a name for themselves around the world. They are employed by major companies in different countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. At present students from 30 countries of the world study at the Academy.
Students study in the spacious lecture halls, well-equipped laboratories, and modern computer classes.
In its disposal, the Academy has laboratories of Research and Scientific Institute, the centre of medicaments certification and control, publishing house, and library full of various editions.
The Academy pays attention to both theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the students. They have an opportunity to study in the botanical garden and nursery garden of medical plants.
The Academy owns comfortable student hostels. Comfortable rooms for
2 people are equipped with all necessary furniture and provided with bed linen. On every floor there are toilets, showers with cold and hot water, and kitchens, where students may cook food according to their personal preferences.
Inside the student hostel there is a cafe, near the hostel there are numerous shops.
After graduation, students work in drugstores, laboratories, enterprises of chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
Education, which students get at the Academy, enables them to become the owners of the laboratories and drug stores.
During their studies, young people get deep theoretical knowledge and priceless practical skills. Thus, when they come home, they do not have any problems to find prestigious and well-paid job.
The Academy allows all students to develop their talents, and get prestigious pharmaceutical education, which provides them with promising perspectives.
Foreign citizens who have successfully completed 3 and more years on the specialties of pharmacy and biology in various Foreign Higher Education Establishments, can be admitted to the 3rd year of the Academy’s Pharmaceutical faculty.
In this case the duration of studies on the specialty “Pharmacy” is 3,5 years: 3 years (3rd, 4th, 5th academic years) of theoretical studies and 5 month of practical studies in the drugstores of Saint-Petersburg. Studies are conducted according to the specially elaborated syllabus.
To be admitted to the 3rd year of the Academy, the students are obliged to present their academic record (for not less than 3 years of previous education) with majors in pharmacy and biology or bachelor’s degrees on the above mentioned specialties.
When students complete the university course, they get higher education degree of Russian national standard indicating the specialty and qualification. The graduates also get EUROPEAN APPENDIX to the degree, which allows them to apply for a prestigious job or continue education in 45 European countries signed up to the Bologna convention.
It is important to know: international citizens, who enter the Higher Education Establishments of the Russian Federation through MPEC Edulink, are admitted to the Universities without entrance exams.
Study in Hungary
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Entomology from Greek word : entomos means insect; and logia means study is the scientific study of insects.
At some 1.3 million described species, insects accounts for more than two-thirds of all known organisms, date back some 400 million years, and have many kinds of interactions with humans and other forms of life on earth.
It is a specialty within the field of Biology, though technically incorrect, the definition is sometimes widened to include the study of terrestrial animals in other arthropod groups or other phyla, such as arachnids, myriapods, earthworms, and slugs.
Like several of that are categorized within zoology, entomology, is a taxon-based category; any form of scientific study in which the organism studies happen to be insects is, by definition, entomology as well.
Entomology therefore includes a cross-section of topics as diverse as:
• molecular genetics,
• behavior,
• biomechanics,
• biochemistry,
• systematic,
• physiology,
• developmental biology,
• ecology,
• morphology
• paleontology
• anthropology
• robotics
• agriculture
• nutrition
• etc
At some 1.3 million described species, insects accounts for more than two-thirds of all known organisms, date back some 400 million years, and have many kinds of interactions with humans and other forms of life on earth.
It is a specialty within the field of Biology, though technically incorrect, the definition is sometimes widened to include the study of terrestrial animals in other arthropod groups or other phyla, such as arachnids, myriapods, earthworms, and slugs.
Like several of that are categorized within zoology, entomology, is a taxon-based category; any form of scientific study in which the organism studies happen to be insects is, by definition, entomology as well.
Entomology therefore includes a cross-section of topics as diverse as:
• molecular genetics,
• behavior,
• biomechanics,
• biochemistry,
• systematic,
• physiology,
• developmental biology,
• ecology,
• morphology
• paleontology
• anthropology
• robotics
• agriculture
• nutrition
• etc
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Most Foreign Students Seek Degrees in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry

Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine - these are the most popular programs in Hungary among foreign students. Although they have to pay for the degree, tuition fees are much lower compared to Western Europe, and the low costs of living attract thousands of foreign youths to the country's major universities each year.
Several hundred foreign students decide to apply to a Hungarian university or college each year. The list of the most popular programs has been unchanged for years: the majority of young people coming from Western Europe and the Arab countries would enrol in medical, dentistry and veterinary programs, while English language programs in the humanities, pharmaceutics and the natural sciences are becoming increasingly popular.
Although the number of English language programs is still relatively low in Hungary compared to the Western European countries, according to a 2005 survey of the Academic Corporation Association (ACA) seated in Brussels, Hungary is the sixth most popular target among foreign students in Europe. There is good reason for higher education institutions to launch English, German or French language programs in increasing numbers: for example, engineers and instructors of engineering have been trained in English at the College of Dunaújváros for two years, while the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University now offers foreign language programs in five disciplines (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Geology and Physics).
The total number of foreign students studying in Medical Universities in Hungary is over 3,000 & the number of applicants is always many times the number of available places, given the widely known high standards of Medical Education in Hungary, & the fact that there are several countries where some of the former generation of physicians also spent their years of study in Hungary. Foreign language programs have been available in the Institutions of Budapest, Pécs, Szeged and Debrecen since the early or mid-1980s.
The Semmelweis University (SOTE) launched its German language program in 1983, while English language programs have been offered by the University of Pécs since 1984, and by the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Debrecen since 1986, with the number of applicants exceeding the number of places from the very beginning. Moreover, graduates with a Hungarian degree can start practising without any further examinations in member states of the EU.
Some 150-160 foreign students begin their six-year medical training at the Faculty of General Medicine of the Semmelweis University (SOTE ÁOK) each year, which means that a total number of about one thousand students - 40-42 per cent of all students - study to acquire the basic knowledge required for the profession in the Budapest campus. Most of them come from Greece, Iran, Israel, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, but students from the US also frequently apply to the Semmelweis University.
Foreign students, as in all other universities of medicine, study in the same system and attend the same theoretical and practical courses as Hungarian medical students. The only difference is that the language of instruction is English or German everywhere, in smaller groups of eight to ten students, and of course they also take their examinations in the given language. Even so, however, the Hungarian language is part of the study program.
Students applying to the English language program must take examinations in Biology, Chemistry and English - if there are a sufficient number of applicants, entrance examinations are organised in Malaysia, so they need not come to Budapest, while German speaking applicants should only submit certificates of the natural science subjects they studied, indicating the duration of their studies. However, tuition fees must be paid in both of the programs. The students reported that the fee is still lower than fees in the US or Western Europe, where tuition may cost as much as 40-50 000 dollars per semester.
- Homme d'Affaires
Relive your experience of Semmelweis University and of Hungary - by Homme d'Affaires
The alma mater invites all of its former students who studied at the university’s English or German programmes to attend the Semmelweis Alumni Reunion in May 2009.
The alumni reunion will be held as a one-day occasion at the new Basic Medical Science Centre on Saturday, 23 May 2009. It is expected to be the biggest alumni „jamboree” of the 25-year history of those English and German programmes of the university.
The draft programme of the event consists of the following: a festive opening ceremony, a scientific programme of current medical topics, a tour of the Semmelweis campus and a gala dinner with fine Hungarian wines, and of course, plenty of opportunities to socialise with your “old classmates”.
Should you have any further questions, please send an email to Mr Andras Petsch, Alumni Coordinator at The email address has been launched specifically for this event.
The majority of foreign students are concentrated in five-six Hungarian universities and colleges: while the proportion of foreign students is usually about 5-10 per cent in Hungarian higher education institutions, in certain faculties of the University of Debrecen, the University of Szeged and the Semmelweis University the proportion of students in programs where the language of instruction is other than Hungarian can be as high as 30-40 per cent. Other top ranking institutions include the Szent István University, the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, the University of Pécs, the Budapesti University of Technology and Economics and the International Business School.
The alma mater invites all of its former students who studied at the university’s English or German programmes to attend the Semmelweis Alumni Reunion in May 2009.
The alumni reunion will be held as a one-day occasion at the new Basic Medical Science Centre on Saturday, 23 May 2009. It is expected to be the biggest alumni „jamboree” of the 25-year history of those English and German programmes of the university.
The draft programme of the event consists of the following: a festive opening ceremony, a scientific programme of current medical topics, a tour of the Semmelweis campus and a gala dinner with fine Hungarian wines, and of course, plenty of opportunities to socialise with your “old classmates”.
Should you have any further questions, please send an email to Mr Andras Petsch, Alumni Coordinator at The email address has been launched specifically for this event.
The majority of foreign students are concentrated in five-six Hungarian universities and colleges: while the proportion of foreign students is usually about 5-10 per cent in Hungarian higher education institutions, in certain faculties of the University of Debrecen, the University of Szeged and the Semmelweis University the proportion of students in programs where the language of instruction is other than Hungarian can be as high as 30-40 per cent. Other top ranking institutions include the Szent István University, the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, the University of Pécs, the Budapesti University of Technology and Economics and the International Business School.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Professional Service for Education
When MPEC Edulink was formed, from its parent organisation, MISSIB Management ( a consulting firm), to dedicate its expertise from building bridges between European Education and ASEAN students, little did we in MPEC realise, it will be a whole spectrum of assistance to students wishing to study either at Undergraduate Level or Post-Grad Level, or even for those intending for Post - Doctoral Research, or Sabbatical.
In rhythm with the rapid pace of growing number of students going to Moscow for Medical Education, MPEC Edulink realises that more students means a need for more University willing to accept these qualified students, the purpose of MPEC Edulink is to promote the excellence of European Education all over Asia Pacific. MPEC Edulink offices are dedicated to proviving services to students pursuing Education in Hungary. For instance, when parents come with their children to MPEC, our staff members would provide information on where to live, which University to enroll, how much will it cost etc.
Even though MPEC Edulink is closely linked to Europe, it still has to comply with all the requirement needed for obtaining the visa, in accordance with the Government's Regulations. MPEC Edulink has to abide bv all the rules, therefore, will never take sides in providing information for prospective students.
Although there are many agents providing similar assistance, MPEC Edulink is the only Homme d'Affaires for all the Universities.
In rhythm with the rapid pace of growing number of students going to Moscow for Medical Education, MPEC Edulink realises that more students means a need for more University willing to accept these qualified students, the purpose of MPEC Edulink is to promote the excellence of European Education all over Asia Pacific. MPEC Edulink offices are dedicated to proviving services to students pursuing Education in Hungary. For instance, when parents come with their children to MPEC, our staff members would provide information on where to live, which University to enroll, how much will it cost etc.
Even though MPEC Edulink is closely linked to Europe, it still has to comply with all the requirement needed for obtaining the visa, in accordance with the Government's Regulations. MPEC Edulink has to abide bv all the rules, therefore, will never take sides in providing information for prospective students.
Although there are many agents providing similar assistance, MPEC Edulink is the only Homme d'Affaires for all the Universities.
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