I could not help my self from either to smile or pity these students who paid, $13,000 - $19,000 perhaps from their life saving or loans, for an 'American' Degree & Post Graduate Degree', with a pompous celebration, only to find out later that it is 'unaccredited University' from Panama. I am just wondering how this could have happen, from our experience with student that MPEC Edulink counselled, As the DoS (Director of Studies), I am always answering questions (whether I like it or not) on accreditation, it is a cardinal rule, matter of factly speaking, for anyone to pursue higher degree. Therefore it could be either ignorance (highly unlikely) or because of its name? -a brand myopia, no pun intended, but again, this is not even an American Institution, so the crux of the issue goes back to the student, students should have known 'Frontis nulla Fides' . It is intriguing, however, to read it happening in Singapore.
However, do remember :-
If these students needed to have a degree (which is obvious, and who am I trying to kid?) and these students did learn something, from this Institution, and are 'developing their potential', then by all means, go ahead. It is fair to them for being given the opportunity, it is something noble, isn't it?
However, if this is about 'paper chase' and contributing to the fact that "At least two American states have outlawed degrees from WCU, describing it as a 'degree supplier' that offers 'fraudulent or substandard degrees'. That is what concerns me most..
My last word is 'makejang saba hada' (if you do not know what it means, then ask someone from Bali..)
To my commentator - on New Europe, New World, my statement is 'neither do I', thanks
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