Having seen many with their application peppered by the concoctions what educational recruiters may purports to be the PERFECT extra curricular resume, I became even more cautious. Every University may receive the same application, yet every Admission Officer, will will draw its very own conclusions.. The odds are minimal for students to know what exactly an Admission Officer really wants. Therefore, one 'size' does not fit all. All the more annoying, when certain students take it easy for the believe 'certain University' are easier to enter, as against the rest.
I tend to look into the student who have a learning style compatible to with their ways of teaching, and obviously, the ratio of international students population as well as the University environment. Depending on the nature of the University (there are 10 Institution that I am responsible of), I am looking at either students will do well in seminars or large lectures classes or group collaboration projects. My University may also want students who excel in essays or students who can master challenging exams.
My main job, is to evaluate talents, backgrounds, experiences and skills in the context of a students life and what was available to him or her. Although this is indeed very subjective in nature -'who we are, and where we work, do affect what we see'. Being a Asian/Oriental, having lived in Europe, I see things over that ' European Side', and understand the predicament of a local applicants. It is not perfect, but a perfect human processes. In my search for the authentic student, I trust that intuition, along with data. (this formula even applies for job applicants). To paraphrase former Supreme Court of Justice 'Potter Stewart' (admittedly addressing a different subject0, "I know it when I see it". Authenticity, which includes Honesty, Integrity, Dilligent are all matters. Who they are when they are students will define, what they will be like, when they work for others..
Study in Hungary
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
In search of Authentic Students (Part 1)
It is never easy these days to really know whether a choice of study or programme is decided by parents or the students themselves. It is always annoying when students are lackadaisical with their own application. In MPEC, students may occasionally be required to answer written questions, and some students were very literal in the answers, which of course can irritate people like me by such cryptic answer.
Although it may seem mysterious, the admission process is actually straightforward. It is about finding relationship that will work. In this case, the Admission Officer i.e. Director of Studies, will have to look for prospecting partners before committing for something long term. As true be it, perfect behaviour on the 1st date (interviews or application papers) may lead to a 2nd chance, but ultimately ultimately the real person is revealed and that revealation indicates whether a happily-ever-after experience lies ahead.
Students giving me cryptic answer are not actually being judged by me, many students have talents blossoming but not yet ripened. In others, talents are present and shown clearly. Therefore, I generally know that all the Universities are not expecting and fundamentally do not - exist for the sole purpose of educating already knowledgeable people.
Although a student academic records may not be 'that' impressive, however, I do look into references, and if the references are specific in their praise, that is honesty and transparency to me. Each and every application is a mystery and a puzzle to solve. Therefore, I am duty bound to transmit correct messages about what I hope to see in candidates. Students and Counsellors do struggle to read between the trend lines. I always hope that students are doing the right thing for the right reason. Only yesterday, I responded a to 15 year old, wishing to study abroad, and the hilarious part is, when the reason of the select country has nothing to do with the place of study. Now, that is really an ambigous objective. Therefore, I always have this quandary; how to distinguish a commitment to study from the simple desire to travel / work abroad.
Most of the time, I have to become Personality Detectives, because so far, most of the students, tend to have hidden agenda, and some tend to have ulterior motives. I even have a student who ask for refund for his application, after the University has issued him, the acceptance letter and the very same student was complaining to the Embassy saying that, he does not plan to continue his education, but again, he wanted to keep his Acceptance Letter.
How do Director of Studies like me, sort out genuine students from the image essentially manufactured for admissions purposes? It is a process that is part critical reading, part common sense and part intuition. Perhaps, I do overlook this 'dodgy' applicant, for when I was entrusted with this responsbility, my aim was to ensure, education for everyone. However, this noble objective of mine, eventually abused by students. I have to look for subplots, and the obvious unexpected twists. Stories in applications told from multiple points of view (which made it all the more harder for me to believe) are woven together in big picture.
As with any story, I will look into credibility and ultimately, genuineness. I want to understand the context of a student's life as I read and work hard to level the field for those who do not have any help in writing their application. Those who have had 'helpers', I personally see that as a misconstrued of facts, or plain 'cheating'.
Although it may seem mysterious, the admission process is actually straightforward. It is about finding relationship that will work. In this case, the Admission Officer i.e. Director of Studies, will have to look for prospecting partners before committing for something long term. As true be it, perfect behaviour on the 1st date (interviews or application papers) may lead to a 2nd chance, but ultimately ultimately the real person is revealed and that revealation indicates whether a happily-ever-after experience lies ahead.
Students giving me cryptic answer are not actually being judged by me, many students have talents blossoming but not yet ripened. In others, talents are present and shown clearly. Therefore, I generally know that all the Universities are not expecting and fundamentally do not - exist for the sole purpose of educating already knowledgeable people.
Although a student academic records may not be 'that' impressive, however, I do look into references, and if the references are specific in their praise, that is honesty and transparency to me. Each and every application is a mystery and a puzzle to solve. Therefore, I am duty bound to transmit correct messages about what I hope to see in candidates. Students and Counsellors do struggle to read between the trend lines. I always hope that students are doing the right thing for the right reason. Only yesterday, I responded a to 15 year old, wishing to study abroad, and the hilarious part is, when the reason of the select country has nothing to do with the place of study. Now, that is really an ambigous objective. Therefore, I always have this quandary; how to distinguish a commitment to study from the simple desire to travel / work abroad.
Most of the time, I have to become Personality Detectives, because so far, most of the students, tend to have hidden agenda, and some tend to have ulterior motives. I even have a student who ask for refund for his application, after the University has issued him, the acceptance letter and the very same student was complaining to the Embassy saying that, he does not plan to continue his education, but again, he wanted to keep his Acceptance Letter.
How do Director of Studies like me, sort out genuine students from the image essentially manufactured for admissions purposes? It is a process that is part critical reading, part common sense and part intuition. Perhaps, I do overlook this 'dodgy' applicant, for when I was entrusted with this responsbility, my aim was to ensure, education for everyone. However, this noble objective of mine, eventually abused by students. I have to look for subplots, and the obvious unexpected twists. Stories in applications told from multiple points of view (which made it all the more harder for me to believe) are woven together in big picture.
As with any story, I will look into credibility and ultimately, genuineness. I want to understand the context of a student's life as I read and work hard to level the field for those who do not have any help in writing their application. Those who have had 'helpers', I personally see that as a misconstrued of facts, or plain 'cheating'.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hadiah Nobel - Bilakah Malaysia?
Hadiah Nobel merupakan penganugerahan yang diberikan kepada individu atau pertubuhan yang telah melakukan penyelidikan ulung serta menghasilkan penemuan yang dapat memberi sumbangan kepada masyarakat. Sejak diperkenalkan tahun 1901, anugerah tersebut yang dicetuskan oleh saintis terkenal Alfred Nobel telah dibahagikan kepada beberapa kategori penerima seperti sains, psikologi dan perubatan, keamanan dan ekonomi.
Untuk kategori sains, seramai 238 ilmuan sains telah menerima anugerah berkenaan dimana 184 orang daripadanya terlibat dalam bidang fizik dan 154 orang lain untuk bidang kimia.
Hadiah-hadiah tersebut dikurniakan dalam satu upacara rasmi yang diadakan pada 10 Disember setiap tahun di Dewan Konsert Stockholm, Sweden.
Penerima anugerah akan membawa pulang sebutir pingat emas, diploma, dan wang tunai kira-kira USD 1.3 juta
(Sumber : estidotmy, utusan malaysia, 26 November 2008)
Merujuk kepada sumber diatas, mengingatkan saya akan 'presentation' yang disampaikan oleh Dekan Fakulti Perubatan, University of Szeged, yang merupakan Universiti yang turut tersenarai didalam ranking Eropah. Didalam presentation tersebut, beliau telah memaklumkan kepada hadirin (yang turut melibatkan seorang Dekan, dari sebuat Kolej Universiti Perubatan, (Swasta) Tempatan, yang telah diiktiraf oleh Kementerian), bahawa mengikut tarikh terkini, Hungary telahpun memiliki seramai 12 Penerima Anugerah Nobel. Professor Szabo, memaklumkan tanpa sebarang niat tersirat, cuma menyampaikan fakta. Sekiranya kita membaca artikel diatas, makanya pasti pembaca akan memahami mengapa, Professor Szabo menyebut akan Anugerah Prestij tersebut.
Sebagai pengiring Prof Szabo, didalam lawatan ke Malaysia, saya bagaimanapun merasa amat malu, dengan kesombongan Dekan dari Kolej Universiti tersebut. Semenjak dari awal, Dekan tersebut, seolah-olah cuba mencari kesilapan dan kelemahan University Szeged. Sehingga ke hari ini, pihak kami, masih tercari-cari, dimana silapnya, sehingga Dekan (juga seorang Dato') tersebut 'berangin'. Pepatah Melayu, mengatakan' orang berbudi, kita berbahasa', makanya, tiada alasan di pihak kami untuk memejamkan mata, diatas keangkuhan Dekan tersebut. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami hanya berdiam diri, memandangkan kami hanya tetamu
Sewaktu kami melawat sekitar kampus tersebut, Prof Szabo bertanyakan 2 perkara kepada saya, iaitu, bagaimana, seorang Dekan, boleh dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Fakulti Perubatan, Pergigian dan juga Farmasi, serentak. Sekiranya ini boleh berlaku, maka akan berlaku kompromi dari segi kualiti. Soalan kedua beliau ialah samada program tersebut diiktiraf, dan Professor Szabo juga terkejut apabila 'Pemilik' Kolej Universiti tersebut, menyatakan, bahawa Hotel 5 Bintang akan dibina, bersebelahan kampus tersebut. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami bersyukur kerana 'pemilik' tersebut tidaklah seangkuh Dekan yang bekerja dengan beliau.
Saya sudah menyatakan bahawa, Kolej Universiti tersebut (walaupun didalam iklan, perkataan Kolej tersebut dikecilkan, secara sengaja, dan perkataan Universiti diwar-warkan), telah pun diiktiraf oleh pihak Kementerian, Prof Szabo hanya mampu mengelengkan kepala, dan berkata kepada saya, kualiti sesebuah Universiti hanya akan terbukti setelah graduannya berjaya didalam perkhidmatan sebagai seorang doktor. Melihatkan kepada sistem yang diterimapakai oleh Kolej Universiti tersebut, dan masih belum menghasilkan generasi graduan perubatan, masih ada kira-kira 3 tahun lagi, Prof Szabo berkata, beliau tidak akan sekali-kali rela dirawat oleh graduan dari 'menara gading' tersebut. Saya hanya senyum, dan berkata, beliau tidak perlu risau kerana Universiti beliau sendiri, mempunyai ratio 1:1 (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam & Malaysian Medical Council menekankan kepada 1:8), dan kualiti pelajarnya membolehkan mereka diterima di UK, serta boleh berkhidmat di California, Amerika. Maka adalah tidak mungkin, Prof Szabo akan ke Malaysia untuk mendapatkan rawatan, hatta sekecil mana sekalipun.
Untuk kategori sains, seramai 238 ilmuan sains telah menerima anugerah berkenaan dimana 184 orang daripadanya terlibat dalam bidang fizik dan 154 orang lain untuk bidang kimia.
Hadiah-hadiah tersebut dikurniakan dalam satu upacara rasmi yang diadakan pada 10 Disember setiap tahun di Dewan Konsert Stockholm, Sweden.
Penerima anugerah akan membawa pulang sebutir pingat emas, diploma, dan wang tunai kira-kira USD 1.3 juta
(Sumber : estidotmy, utusan malaysia, 26 November 2008)
Merujuk kepada sumber diatas, mengingatkan saya akan 'presentation' yang disampaikan oleh Dekan Fakulti Perubatan, University of Szeged, yang merupakan Universiti yang turut tersenarai didalam ranking Eropah. Didalam presentation tersebut, beliau telah memaklumkan kepada hadirin (yang turut melibatkan seorang Dekan, dari sebuat Kolej Universiti Perubatan, (Swasta) Tempatan, yang telah diiktiraf oleh Kementerian), bahawa mengikut tarikh terkini, Hungary telahpun memiliki seramai 12 Penerima Anugerah Nobel. Professor Szabo, memaklumkan tanpa sebarang niat tersirat, cuma menyampaikan fakta. Sekiranya kita membaca artikel diatas, makanya pasti pembaca akan memahami mengapa, Professor Szabo menyebut akan Anugerah Prestij tersebut.
Sebagai pengiring Prof Szabo, didalam lawatan ke Malaysia, saya bagaimanapun merasa amat malu, dengan kesombongan Dekan dari Kolej Universiti tersebut. Semenjak dari awal, Dekan tersebut, seolah-olah cuba mencari kesilapan dan kelemahan University Szeged. Sehingga ke hari ini, pihak kami, masih tercari-cari, dimana silapnya, sehingga Dekan (juga seorang Dato') tersebut 'berangin'. Pepatah Melayu, mengatakan' orang berbudi, kita berbahasa', makanya, tiada alasan di pihak kami untuk memejamkan mata, diatas keangkuhan Dekan tersebut. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami hanya berdiam diri, memandangkan kami hanya tetamu
Sewaktu kami melawat sekitar kampus tersebut, Prof Szabo bertanyakan 2 perkara kepada saya, iaitu, bagaimana, seorang Dekan, boleh dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Fakulti Perubatan, Pergigian dan juga Farmasi, serentak. Sekiranya ini boleh berlaku, maka akan berlaku kompromi dari segi kualiti. Soalan kedua beliau ialah samada program tersebut diiktiraf, dan Professor Szabo juga terkejut apabila 'Pemilik' Kolej Universiti tersebut, menyatakan, bahawa Hotel 5 Bintang akan dibina, bersebelahan kampus tersebut. Bagaimanapun, pihak kami bersyukur kerana 'pemilik' tersebut tidaklah seangkuh Dekan yang bekerja dengan beliau.
Saya sudah menyatakan bahawa, Kolej Universiti tersebut (walaupun didalam iklan, perkataan Kolej tersebut dikecilkan, secara sengaja, dan perkataan Universiti diwar-warkan), telah pun diiktiraf oleh pihak Kementerian, Prof Szabo hanya mampu mengelengkan kepala, dan berkata kepada saya, kualiti sesebuah Universiti hanya akan terbukti setelah graduannya berjaya didalam perkhidmatan sebagai seorang doktor. Melihatkan kepada sistem yang diterimapakai oleh Kolej Universiti tersebut, dan masih belum menghasilkan generasi graduan perubatan, masih ada kira-kira 3 tahun lagi, Prof Szabo berkata, beliau tidak akan sekali-kali rela dirawat oleh graduan dari 'menara gading' tersebut. Saya hanya senyum, dan berkata, beliau tidak perlu risau kerana Universiti beliau sendiri, mempunyai ratio 1:1 (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam & Malaysian Medical Council menekankan kepada 1:8), dan kualiti pelajarnya membolehkan mereka diterima di UK, serta boleh berkhidmat di California, Amerika. Maka adalah tidak mungkin, Prof Szabo akan ke Malaysia untuk mendapatkan rawatan, hatta sekecil mana sekalipun.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The "wonder kid" of the European Union

Hungary is located in the Centre of Europe, sharing its borders with the Ukraine & Romania in the East, Austria & Croatia in the West, Slovakia in the North & Yugoslavia in the South; enjoys phenomenal rise in economic growth after and development afterit embraced democracy and free trade policies in 1989. Since then, it has been receiving a steady flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and is today one of the High-Income Countries in Europe. It enjoys strong trade, fiscal, monetary, investment, business and labour freedom.
After joining the European Union (EU), in May 2004, Hungary can currrently boast a having attracted FDI of more than 60.0 billion, which represents the higher percapita in the Central Eastern European Region. Hungary has been focusing intensely on the introduction of advanced technology and innovation into production of goods representing higher added value. The Hungarian Government places greater importance on investment in the automotive sector, research and development, ICT, Biotechnology, Shared Services Operations & Logistics. Currently there are more than 30,000 companies including foreign companies in Hungary. In 2007, Malaysia was ranked as the 2th import source for Hungary with value amounted to 368.0 million. Hungary's main imports from Malaysia were electrical machinery, plastics, optical products and furniture.
(Source : trademart, A MATRADE Publication for Malaysian Exporters). The picture above is Wan Azhamuddin Jusoh, Malaysian Trade Commissioner in Budapest, HUNGARY.
I have been involved with 'Invisible Exports' for my country, Malaysia & ASEAN region, with Hungary 'the wonder kid in the EU' products' i.e. Education. It is fascinating that the export value has increase, and I sincerely hope it will get further. I am equally surprise to find this article in trademart. I believe, I have the right to point out, that when I was appointed by Hungarian Authorities, nobody in Malaysia, has ever been aware of the existence of Hungary, let alone, to know its valuable 'invisible exports'. The idea of even suggesting to explore its opportunities was brush aside, without second thoughts. As for MATRADE, yes, it is about the inflow of income i.e. Malaysian exports abroad, however, to reflect on Human Capital development, I believe, to have professionals trained there, and return home, will be good for the country, if at all Malaysia is focus on Human Capital, besides, it will be at a lower cost, compared to certain existing countries where our students are currently helping the economies there, especially when certain other countries do have 'protectionism', and of course, 'price discrimination'. Hopefully, we not only look, but really see Hungary.
"How I hope, we are thinking what I think, we should be thinking!"
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Undergraduate , Graduate Applicants
Over the last couple of years, MPEC Edulink, has been inundated with many postgraduate applicant. I am fully knowledgeable of the fact that, the current policy is for research student to go internship or attachment in a Non-English Speaking Country. I remembered being visited by 2 students from UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) among many others, in a wide range of fields, from Biotechnology into many other branches. Eventually, one of them, ends up in Italy, and another one, was trying (I am not sure he made it) to a nearby English speaking country. MPEC do believe, it is their liberty to decide where they want to study, however, please be sure, and confirmed on their commitment to study.
It is wise for students to come to see me with their research proposal, or if they are already attached to a University, please at least name the Institution, and to what level. It is well understood by us here, as Homme d'Affaires of such need, but again, students will do a lot of help by being more transparent. We do accept enquiries, and all the more welcome GENUINE INTEREST. After all, if the students are planning to study abroad, then of course, they are aware of the cost of living etc, and if they are funded, all the more MPEC welcomes them, for it ensures quality students. At present I do receive an applicant wishing for an attachment, and he prefers for a 12 months period in University of Pécs. I would recommend him to go early, the faster MPEC receives the document, for processing, the better it would be. If at all, my colleague there is unable to accept him, then, MPEC will be able to suggest to him something more viable.
I hope it will enlighten up more students to understand how serious MPEC views each application. It is indeed heartening to know, more and more, from Malaysia are keen on their PostGraduate education in Hungary. I have yet to receive any from Singapore, though I did receive a few from Indonesia before. It is in our standard procedure, for anyone interested to enter any Institution, to apply and register with MPEC, irregardless whether the student is applying for Undergraduate or a Post – Doctoral Researcher. It is essential to keep update on the student / future students progress.
Therefore it is a grave necessity for the students to send a letter from their sponsor addressing MPEC EDULINK stating that, the sponsoring organization will be funding the student’s education or research, this letter from their sponsor should come together with the student’s own formal application.
It is wise for students to come to see me with their research proposal, or if they are already attached to a University, please at least name the Institution, and to what level. It is well understood by us here, as Homme d'Affaires of such need, but again, students will do a lot of help by being more transparent. We do accept enquiries, and all the more welcome GENUINE INTEREST. After all, if the students are planning to study abroad, then of course, they are aware of the cost of living etc, and if they are funded, all the more MPEC welcomes them, for it ensures quality students. At present I do receive an applicant wishing for an attachment, and he prefers for a 12 months period in University of Pécs. I would recommend him to go early, the faster MPEC receives the document, for processing, the better it would be. If at all, my colleague there is unable to accept him, then, MPEC will be able to suggest to him something more viable.
I hope it will enlighten up more students to understand how serious MPEC views each application. It is indeed heartening to know, more and more, from Malaysia are keen on their PostGraduate education in Hungary. I have yet to receive any from Singapore, though I did receive a few from Indonesia before. It is in our standard procedure, for anyone interested to enter any Institution, to apply and register with MPEC, irregardless whether the student is applying for Undergraduate or a Post – Doctoral Researcher. It is essential to keep update on the student / future students progress.
Therefore it is a grave necessity for the students to send a letter from their sponsor addressing MPEC EDULINK stating that, the sponsoring organization will be funding the student’s education or research, this letter from their sponsor should come together with the student’s own formal application.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Prospek Ekonomi & Pasaran Modal
Ekonomi dunia dijangka berkembang pada kadar lebih rendah di paras 3.90% pada tahun2009 berbanding perkembangan sebanyak 4.10% pada tahun 2008 (Sumber : International Monetary Fund). Kenyataan IMF memberikan pandangan yang amat berbeza berbanding dengan apa yang kita sangkat selama ini. Unjuran ekonomi Malaysia, mempunyai 2 jangkaan berbeza sebelumnya, dan yang terkini adalah dijangka pada kadar 5.040% mengikut sumber BNM. Antar faktor yang dikenalpasti adalah perlaksanaan projek dibawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan seperti "IDR". Bagaimanapun, seperti biasa, kita akan mendengar bahawa sungguhpun keadaannya adalah sebegini, tetapi kenyataan biasa seperti asas-asas ekonomi masih kukuh kerana lebihan akaun semasa dan juga rizab asing yang besar. Maka dengan itu, adalah menjadi harapan saya, unjuran tersebut kekal, bagaimanapun, kenyataan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, selepas pulang dari APEC, juga memberi kisah yang berbeza akan prospek ekonomi bagi 2009. Adalah menjadi harapan saya supaya semuanya sempurna.
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